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Become a Kiona Member

Delicious Red Mountain Offerings, Two Times Per Year

We make wine so people can enjoy it. People like you.

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Bi-Yearly Shipments

  • Bi-Yearly Shipments

    One in the spring, one in the fall

    We fill a box with $300 worth of wine and then charge Members $200 (plus applicable tax and shipping) for said box. There are two releases per year. The number of bottles included in each release will vary, but generally Members receive 7-10 bottles per.

  • Low Production / Exclusive Releases

    Be the envy of your wine drinking friends

    As a grower and producer, we have the opportunity to build small production, super-high-end wines specifically for our Members, using the best of our Red Mountain fruit. Each release features one (or more) of these low-production/exclusive offerings, along with complementary wines from our entire portfolio. Long story short, our internal philosophy is “Membership first” when it comes to release timeframes and availability.

  • Receive Discounts on Wine Purchases

    Buy additional wine at wholesale

    Members receive discounts on any additional wine purchased outside of releases. Purchases of 1-11 bottles are discounted at 15%, purchases of 12 bottles or more are discounted at 30%. That's not a typo: Members can buy wine at wholesale pricing.

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  • Wine Ships for $10 Per Box

    Buy additional wine at wholesale

    Members receive discounts on any additional wine purchased outside of releases. Purchases of 1-11 bottles are discounted at 15%, purchases of 12 bottles or more are discounted at 30%. That's not a typo: Members can buy wine at wholesale pricing.

  • Infinitely Customizable Releases

    Only buy wine you want

    We build the releases with an eye towards education, but we understand that tastes and preferences are different for everyone. Got a taste for Red Mountain Ice Wine? Let us know what you'd like to swap out and we'll make it happen; the releases are infinitely customizable. We aim to please.

  • Three Membership Options

    Because choice is good

    Mixed Reds and Whites (skews mostly reds, mirroring our estate Red Mountain acreage), Reds Only (because this is Red Mountain, after all), and Premier (same selections as the Reds Only, just more wine included in each release - these Members receive $700-worth of wine for $450, two times per year).

We love farming and red mountain. Our vineyards grow some of the best grapes in the world. Let me show you around.

Our Estate Vineyards